February is a crazy month at our house. Aly and Russ both have birthdays the same week as Valentines' Day. I didn't get any pictures of Russ' Birthday, but we had a good time with friends. He is too old to say his age, so I won't say it (42). He got me some gorgeous roses for Valentine's day but we didn't do anything special because his birthday is the day before so we usually just roll it all together. I guess that is better than a Christmas birthday.
We all know that the world revolves around teenagers, so Aly has all the pictures. And nobody does just one measly day of celebrating anymore, it is an extravaganza for days. The Friday before her Birthday, we went to the mall with her best friend. She blew through her money pretty fast. Then the girls went to try on prom dresses. Just one more year girls.

What a couple of hams.

Saturday Aly went for horseback riding. She loves horses. She has always been drawn to them. Last year up at Scout camp her love became a true obsession. I don't know a thing about them. So I payed for her to have a lesson. The lady was really nice. She put Aly through some paces and then decided she could handle it on her own. Her hour long lesson turned into a two hour romp. She loved it. Needless to say she couldn't sit down the next day. She would love to continue to ride, but it is so expensive so she will have to just bum rides when she can.

p.s. This horse's name is Purple.
On the way out of the arena, this is what she saw. What a day!!

Sunday we all gathered at her Grandma's house for a party. It is supposed to be a joint party for her and her dad, but poor dad always gets forgotten. I made her a carrot cake. Both Russ and Aly love carrot cake. I make it from scratch with carrots grated by hand. If that isn't love, I don't know what is.

Her cousins gave her five 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper. It is her favorite drink, but her dad won't let her have it at home. She was in heaven. Way to go Kyle and Kennedy!!!

Look at her protecting her treasure. The funny thing is we found out that her Great-Grandmother loved Dr. Pepper as well. She even had a two year supply.

Bottoms up!!
I feel old now that my first born is 15. Wow, time sure flies. It has been a joy to watch her grow and I can't wait to see what other amazing things she acomplishes. Love you Aly!!!!